Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Christian Sales Girl Victim of Assault & Systematic Discrimination in Pakistan.

Annalisa, a Christian sales girl assaulted and dragged by hair in Shopping Mall & oppressor the alleged sister of Minister Punjab walks away on bail due to minor criminal charges!  

Watch this Video to Analyze the Overall Situation!

On 13th August 2019, Sadaf walked into the Packages Mall Lahore knowing that she belongs to the elite group of Pakistan’s majority population and holds the political, influential and special social privilege.  

On the same day Annalisa a Christian girl went to work as a sales girl on a cosmetic shop with special plans after work to celebrate and attend 14th August i.e. Pakistan independence day prayer meetings in her local church that evening, she also bought few Pakistani flags as well. 

Annalisa had no idea what was going to happen to her that day as Sadaf walked into the cosmetic shop. Sadaf came to counter of Annalisa and started checking various beauty items including various lipstick shades. During the tryout Sadaf demanded Annalisa to bring her a mirror and hold it for her.  At that same moment few other customers were busy with the mirror and Annalisa told Sadaf to wait for while which outraged Sadaf and she started abusing Annalisa who was trying her best to calm down Sadaf by telling her to wait for a while.  Outraged Sadaf started asking for the name of Annalisa to complain the store manager. 

Annalisa is a English Origin Christian Name used for Girls & many Christian families in Pakistan name their daughters Annalisa which reflects their Christian identity, the moment Annalisa told her name to Sadaf the situation immediately changed from abusive words to physical assault in the form of slaps and kicks as Sadaf repeatedly kept shouting Apologize, Say Sorry, how dare you refuse me and more which reflected the inner hatred & Christophobia of Sadaf against the Christian faith. 

The physical assault did not end in the shop. For further humiliation Sadaf dragged Annalisa by hair to the public place and kept on shouting Say Sorry, Apologize to me. Annalisa kept on saying I am Sorry Mam and Sadaf kept on dragging her by hair saying I can’t hear you! This went on for a while as the shopping mall security staff and customers gathered around them requesting Sadaf to let go of Annalisa. 

Sadaf kept on threatening security and other staff who were trying to save Annalisa, during all this one of the security staff called the police official complaint number 15 and the moment Sadaf realized that a police complaint is launched against her she grabbed a paper cutter and injured one of the security staff as well. Sadaf walked away from Mall without being arrested due to some political or influential involvement that day. 

This unfortunate incident might have gone unnoticed quietly but fortunately someone from the crowd gather around Sadaf & Annalisa recorded this scene and posted the video on social media which immediately went viral and people started asking questions to Punjab Government. When Punjab government assessed that people are questioning their law and order situation the official spokesperson of Punjab government Shahbaz Gill started the search for Sadaf on Soial Media asking people to tell Punjab Government who she is and help to find her along with point scoring comments against opposition. It’s hilarious that this happened in the very same city of Lahore from where the whole Punjab province is governed and there was an official complaint registered on police official 15 complaint number as well; it’s strange that Punjab Government spokes person did not try to check with police officials about this incident and started a search operation for Sadaf on social media.

Later that evening a picture of Sadaf surfaced on social media that she is under arrest and an official police case is registered against her.  The charges against Sadaf are of minor Harassment but you can see in the video the use of criminal force & deliberate publicly humiliation but Sadaf is not charged according to any of serious offence by Police. Very next day on 14th of August celebrated as the independence day of Pakistan. Sadaf appeared in Court, walks away from court on bail and celebrated 14th of August with full energy which safe guards her rights and special privileges as a majority & dominating citizen. 

If we see the video clip shared above we can observe that there is use of criminal force, physical torture and intentions to humiliate and deliberate public exposure of Annalisa by Sadaf.  Even the lawyers are surprised over exclusion of serious charges against Sadaf.  

14th August is the day Annalisa returned home from Courts disappointed and with tears in eyes. It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last time Christians are going to be treated like this in Pakistan. That’s how the situation is for Christians as Minorities as There’s another Perception Among General Public That Sadaf is Alleged Sister of sitting Health Minister Punjab & She has & will use Her influence to help Sadaf go Unpunished!

If that’s True, Oppressed WE won't be surprised over This Systematic Discrimination That Exists against Christians in Pakistan.