Monday, September 16, 2019

Amir Naveed Jeeva, Christian Member National Assembly gives thanks to Lord.

Punjab, Pakistan. Christian MNA gives thanks to Lord & Savior Jesus Christ on miraculous recovery after suffering a life threatening road accident.

Last month Amir Naveed Jeeva a Christian Member National Assembly while his efforts to help a Christian rape victim for complaint registration and follow up was travelling by road from Multan to Lahore & had a terrible road accident as  he suffered life threatening injuries as well.

Fortunately he was rushed to the nearest health facility at Faisalabad, initially there was no satisfactory response from doctors as Amir Naveed was unconscious and struggling to breathe and was on oxygen inhalation system. This was a very tense situation for his family and friends. 

The news went viral on social media and all concerned Christian community started praying for his life and thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Nevaeed Amir Jeeva had a miraculous comeback and rapid recovery. He organized a thanks giving prayer dinner to his family, friends and Church congregation representatives in Multan.

During that he was still struggling with walking around and while speaking yet he gathered his strength and testify that, 

“This accident has affected my memory a bit, I don’t remember much when I was at Faisalabad. I remember a little when I was shifted to complex hospital Islamabad & was told that there are thousands of Christian brothers and sisters praying for my life not just in Pakistan but in many other countries as well.

When I was in the phase of initial recovery many family and friends told me that I’m alive due to some good or noble deed I must have done. I replied it’s not the case the truth is that there is only one who is worthy of all the praise and that is the Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. His Blessings and Grace saved a sinner like me.

It is only His Grace & nothing else because it is written, it is word of God that all have sinned and fall short of His glory. 

Today I sit in front of you and I testify that it is His Grace that saved me, I am also thankful to all Brothers, Sisters, Elders, Church representation who kept me in their prayers and God listened, responded and today I am sitting with you all. I give thanks to the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.