Saturday, February 22, 2020

Christian Girl Abducted & Forcibly Converted in Punjab, Pakistan.

Punjab, Pakistan. Another Christian girl is reported to be abducted and forcibly converted. During an interview Simrin i.e. the victim girl stated that Muhammad Majid abducted her on gun point and forcibly converted her.

After the girl was recovered & handed over to the Christian family with the help of law enforcement departments, Now the Culprit Muhammad Majid forcibly wants to take the girl back. They attacked Christian family and shot two people by firing direct bullets.

Alarming situation is that the concerned Police department did not respond to complain of the victim family prior to the shooting incident.

Please Watch the interview Video of the Victim girl & Her Mother’s statement.     

Interview Video:

Also Read:

Christian Women with Broken Nose Cries for Justice in Pakistan

Victim Christian family claims that Punjab Police accompanied and facilitated land mafia group of 50 men to attack their home.